Our director, Paul Fieldhouse has been appointed as director of Donegal Business Network, a B 2 B networking group Paul said; “I am delighted to have been appointed as Director of Donegal Business Network. My tenure begins on 1st October 2014 for 6 months and I am looking forward to the challenges this exciting leadership opportunity presents. Having been a …
7 Tips for Building Your Emotional Wealth (part 1)
In this months article I wanted to share with you an article Dr Martyn Newman wrote on improving your emotional wealth, Martyn is currently a Visiting Fellow in leadership and emotional Intelligence with The Business School of Sheffield Hallam University. He works with faculty to develop their core leadership curriculum and corporate offer – from undergraduate to MBA programmes. Martyn …
So you want to be a better leader and get the most out of your team by coaching them?
So in our last article we gave the reasons and overview of coaching as a leadership skill, lets look at how we coach. Of course to be a great coach we must have high levels of Emotional Capital, something we have discussed in many of the previous articles. Coaching is one of the keys to the effective leadership by your …
Why coach, what is it? and what is it relevance to Leadership?
So this month lets look a bit more closely at another leadership skill, coaching. To be a great coach we must have high levels of Emotional Capital, something we have discussed in many of the previous articles. So what is the role of the coach? Well I believe it is essential in business today and certainly one of the …
Are you an Optimistic Leader then?
So this month we will look at what is considered by many to be one of the most transparent behaviours seen in a great Leader, Optimism. And its not just being optimistic when things are good but more importantly, when there are challenges to face, that absolute belief that we will win through. An example of how we lead a …
Blessed Be The Deal Makers – a leadership skill
This month I am sharing an article that Tom Murray has written on a key leadership skill, not simply for negotiating with customers but also with your teams and suppliers. Tom is our Mediation and Negotiation expert and works in collaboration with Hyperion on our team engagement programme, he can be contacted through his site at http://www.mediationpractice.ie/ Who are these deal …
Does developing Leadership have an impact on the bottom line profit?
In our previous articles we gave on overview on leadership IQ and EQ, and how we can have a high IQ and be intelligent but without Emotional Capital this is valueless from a leadership perspective check out articles here : http://hyperiongrowth.com/old/great-leadership-are-we-born-with-it-or-can-we-develop-it/ Now lets take a closer look at Emotional Capital, its three Core Elements, and it will become clear …
Our latest testimonial on leadership -Thank you Kevin.
During 2013, the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) introduced the Management Analysis and Planning, MAP for short. The aim of this new programme was to identify and deliver management and leadership skills development training to small and medium enterprises. Our application onto this programme was successful and Paul Fieldhouse from Hyperion Business Growth and Leadership was appointed as …
Another Leader – Congratulations Kevin – Latest Hyperion Leader
Congratulations to Kevin Baird, Bangor Marina, our latest candidate to receive his certificate for completing ECR360 Leadership development.
Are you born a leader or can you learn to be a better leader?
Great Leadership, are we born with it or can we develop it? It’s certainly true that there are many examples of great leaders who show a natural aptitude for the key behaviours associated with leadership qualities, for the rest of us we may need to develop these skills and behaviours. But lets be honest, we weren’t even born able to …