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How to maximise your teams performance through Coaching.

In Leadership by paul

A powerful discipline in which we believe that each individual has amazing capacity to grow, that like the acorn, all the ingredients are contained within the individual and it is the nurturing process that helps to develop and grow the person. Some believe that we deliver about 30-40% of our true potential and that with careful coaching and nurturing we …

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So you made a New Years resolution?

In Leadership by paul

New Year resolutions don’t work – Why? So you may be asking yourself what place New Year resolutions have in an article on Leadership, and it’s very simple really, whether you have made a resolution to get fit or you wish to develop your leadership or personal skills, the process to effect lasting change in yourself is the same. Lets …

Is Santa a great leader?

In Leadership by paul

 We all will agree Santa is a great leader,  a great guy, and he certainly has well developed emotional capital, but what in particular do we see in his leadership behaviours? Well as we all know one of the biggest benefits of being Santa Claus is the fact that he is on “the point.” Although everyone on his team works …

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In Leadership by paul

  It may be of some surprise to learn that developing our leadership skills has an impact on every part of our business, but what about marketing how can this be? So Emotional capital impacts on 3 key areas, just look at NO.1! 1. External Emotional Capital – the value of the feelings and perceptions held by the customer and …

The most powerful and unique Leadership development programme to date!

In Leadership by paul

Hyperion – Life Leadership, “one great adventure”  In this months article I am delighted to announce the release of the most powerful and unique Leadership development programme to date! So what is so special about our programme? Well, its has been developed in partnership with various disciplines with in leadership development but for the first time bringing the best aspects of …

Ten Dynamic Emotions That Drive Leadership Success and how elite leaders scored! (emotional capital)

In General, Leadership by paul

In our first articles we gave on overview on leadership IQ and EQ, and how we can have a high IQ and be intelligent but without Emotional Capital this is valueless from a leadership perspective. We then discussed External, Internal and Intrapersonal Capital and how as leaders we should be looking to create emotional wealth to ensure our competitive advantage, …

Legal Island Article – Leadership

In Leadership by paul

Why is leadership important to my company? Will it really make you more profit? In our fist article we gave on overview on leadership IQ and EQ, and how we can have a high IQ and be intelligent but without Emotional Capital this is valueless from a leadership perspective check out first article here : develop-it/ You recall the …