Smile Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started to Smile too. I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin, when he smiled I realised I’d passed it on to him. I thought about that smile then I realised its worth, A simple smile just like mine could …
Mentor or Coach?
Mentor or Coach? Its interesting that Mentor and Coach are regularly used when describing the same discipline and how there is some confusion over the true meaning of each. Coaching Coaching is a powerful method of helping an individual to grow. It requires no technical knowledge of a subject but assumes the individual has within them all they need …
Feedback from Women in Business Event – “Taking Your Business to New Heights in 2017”
Networking event presentation feedback Great feedback speak for itself, eh? “Good Morning Paul, On behalf of Patricia Green, Chair of Women In Enterprise, and our committee members, I’d like to extend our sincere thanks to you for your presentation yesterday which was brilliant and informative. The theme of “Taking Your Business to New Heights in 2017” was the perfect start …
Who are Hyperion and what do we do?
Hyperion Growth is led by our Principal Paul Fieldhouse. Hyperion Growth are the experts in business growth and leadership development. Hyperion is derived from the name of a Canadian Redwood. It is the tallest tree in the world standing over 115 metres tall and believed to be between 700 & 800 years old. It represents for us the strength, growth …
Delivering great a presentation is critical to success in business and career!
Presentation. We say delivering a presentation is our No.1 Fear, so its true that if you were at a funeral you would prefer to be in the coffin rather than read the eulogy? I think its more a case of delivering presentations or public speaking is the first thing we think of when asked what our no.1 fear is. So if …
Isn’t it wonderful to get feed back?
Just had an email from a client who is doing executive coaching and leadership development! “I’ve got the power back!!!!! It feels great, I am lighter because of it! Thanks for our session on Monday, I really appreciate it!” Makes it all worthwhile!
Wow – great to get feed back!
“Hyperion’s Paul Fieldhouse is an exceptional presenter and business coach who’s grasp and delivery of business matters are bar none. His ability to take complex fundamentals and break them down into simple and systemic approaches is extraordinary. I had the good fortune to attend one of Paul’s workshops and I was extremely impressed. Not only is Paul witty and engaging, …
So what are they key behaviours that make great leaders ?
So what are they key behaviours that make great leaders ? In our last article we gave you an overview on leadership IQ and EQ, and how we can have a high IQ and be intelligent but without Emotional Capital this is valueless from a leadership perspective. We then discussed External, Internal and Intrapersonal Capital and how as leaders we should …
Sales Made Simple!
Are you serious about growing your business? – sales made simple. Well if you are why not come along to the latest of Donegal Business Network’s (DBN) powerful workshops “Sales made simple!” supported by TechNorthwest Skillnet. DBN, established in 2013 is a networking group of 20+ business owners that meet every Wednesday morning at 6.45am in the Radisson Blu Hotel, …
Great Leadership, are we born with it or can we develop it?
Great Leadership, are we born with it or can we develop it? It’s certainly true that there are many examples of great leaders who show a natural aptitude for the key leadership behaviours associated with leadership qualities, for the rest of us we may need to develop these skills and behaviours. so over the coming months we will look in …