During 2013, the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) introduced the Management Analysis and Planning, MAP for short. The aim of this new programme was to identify and deliver management and leadership skills development training to small and medium enterprises. Our application onto this programme was successful and Paul Fieldhouse from Hyperion Business Growth and Leadership was appointed as our training provider.
From the outset the management and leadership skills development training programme delivered by Paul was an incredible learning experience. It’s been a while since I’ve felt my brain soak up so much valuable information. Each learning session was consistently high quality and extremely engaging.
Most importantly, each session provided an excellent review of the challenges and opportunities which I have personally encountered while engaged in leading the team at Bangor Marina. During a number of our training sessions Paul delivered and interpreted the world renowned ‘RocheMartin Emotional Capital Report’. This excellent training tool helps identify ten key emotional skills that drive leadership performance.
The report accurately generated information about my personal potential performance across a range of skills correlated with effective leadership and management. Throughout the training programme Paul has been an exceptional mentor, he is willing to share his skills, knowledge and expertise. Not only does he demonstrate a positive attitude he also takes a personal interest in the mentoring relationship. Paul’s enthusiasm is catching because I want to learn more. Over the past number of months one of the most important trues I’ve come to understand is that it’s knowledge and talent driven by emotional skills are the foundation for growing an exceptional business today.
In closing I found the training offered by Paul to be an extremely positive and rewarding experience and I would highly recommend it to others. Paul has been instrumental in changing the way I manage and lead and I’m starting to see the rewards that brings.
Best regards,
Kevin Baird
Harbour Master & Marina Manager
Quay Marinas Limited,