Emotional Intelligence, leadership, personal growth

So you made a New Years resolution? & an amazing New Year Offer!

In General, Leadership by paul

So you may be asking yourself what place New Years resolutions have in an article on Leadership, and it’s very simple really, whether you have made a resolution to get fit or you wish to develop your leadership or personal skills, the process to effect lasting change in yourself is the same.

Lets begin with understanding why they don’t work for most of us.

What Sank The Titanic?

I guess it’s a bit like the story of the Titanic, you all know it was sunk by the Ice Berg but most importantly it was the two third of The Ice Berg below the waterline that did the damage.

New year offer for personal development!

ECR360 feed back report and 4 coaching sessions for only £750 reduced from £1,500.

For more information email info@hyperiongrowth.com before offer ends on 31st January 2015.

So if you take a good look at yourself, the third that others see in you is the portion of you above the waterline and the two thirds below the waterline is who you really are, what drives you and what makes you you, the core that others can’t see! And just as with the Titanic it’s the bit below the water that sinks your New Year resolution.

 Above the water line!

Let’s explain a bit further, lets say you decide to get fit, one of the most common New Year resolutions. You will make a decision to get fit; you will take some action, join the gym, or buy running gear or perhaps join a fitness class.

After about 6 weeks (on average), and less for many, you have reverted back to the same old life you were leading before you celebrated the New Year! The results.

So above the water line, the things people can see in you are the decisions, the actions and the results! Which together represent your behaviours.

Below the water line.

So if you truly wanted to get fit then you need to get below the waterline.  The biggest contributing factor to someone’s behaviors are their skills.  You like to do things you’re good at, if I am great at cooking I will love to entertain and if I am bad at cooking I will go out to a restaurant.


New year offer for personal development!

ECR360 feed back report and 4 coaching sessions for only £750 reduced from £1,500.

For more information email info@hyperiongrowth.com before offer ends on 31st January 2015.


However the biggest contributing factor to your Skills are your Beliefs. A Belief is something you hold to be true at the time, but not necessarily a fact.

How to change, a significant emotional event in your life can wipe out even the strongest belief, or you can choose to change a belief.  You will have to re-enforce, the choice, but this is extremely powerful.

And the biggest contributing factor to your beliefs are your values. If your highest value in life was success you would have a whole different range of belief’s than someone who’s highest value was love. Value is something you hold to be Important.


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to find out more about this article or how to help your team become more effective contact paul@hyperiongrowth.com.


However, the biggest factor in your long term change is your Identity.  How you see yourself and a result of your values, beliefs and skills. “I am” are the two of most powerful words in the English language, only superseded by “I can’t”, “I won’t”,”I don’t”.


For those of us who are parents remember when your identity changed to “I am a parent” what values, beliefs, skills and therefore behaviours and results changed? And did it happen overnight or did it take time?


New year offer for personal development!

ECR360 feed back report and 4 coaching sessions for only £750 reduced from £1,500.

For more information email info@hyperiongrowth.com before offer ends on 31st January 2015.


Of course surrounding an Iceberg is water and surrounding every human being is our environment.  A victim will let the environment push them around and shape them, a victor will shape the environment to suit themselves, or not put themselves into the environment.


Make them work!


So what is your new years resolution, what do you need to do to change your identity, values, beliefs & skills, what actions will you take.


I want to get fit and loose weight, so I need to see myself as an athlete and start to believe in the value of the long term importance of fitness & health.


My current environment is going to the pub and partying at weekends, the people I surround myself with are those who enjoy the same things, am I a victim who will follow the crowd, or a victor who will join the running club and socialise more with other athletes – my environment.


If you’re not getting the results you want, what decision are or aren’t you taking (consciously or subconsciously) that are stopping you from taking the right actions?


And if your behaviour is not congruent with your desired results, but you have the skills, the problem must lie deeper.


New year offer for personal development & helping you make your resolutions!

ECR360 feed back report and 4 coaching sessions for only £750 reduced from £1,500.

For more information email info@hyperiongrowth.com before offer ends on 31st January 2015.


As you get down through beliefs, values and identity, it’s time to recognise and discard our blame culture or the excuses you make as to why you are not doing, if you are going to commit to achieving the results you need to be accountable to yourself.


And so it is whether it’s a New Years resolution or a leadership or personal development skill, once we have the understanding of how we work, we now have the ability to harness change! Of course getting your self a coach to help you understand and hold you accountable for this change will vastly speed up the process!


New year offer for personal development!

ECR360 feed back report and 4 coaching sessions for only £750 reduced from £1,500.

For more information email info@hyperiongrowth.com before offer ends on 31st January 2015.

check out previous articles here :

Legal Island Article – Leadership

to find out more about this article or how to help your team become more effective contact paul@hyperiongrowth.com.