So here are the remaining 3 of seven key strategies for helping us all sustain greater health, wealth and wisdom at work.
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5. Smile and the World Smiles With You
The Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed laughter as “a bodily exercise precious to health.”
Well, it turns out he was right. Recent research has documented that humour is not only psychologically beneficial, but that it can have significant effects on overall wellness, including lowering our risk of disease.
According to psychologist Steve Ayan, laughter relaxes us and improves our mood, and hearing jokes appears to ease anxiety. Cheerfulness is linked to emotional resilience – the ability to keep a level head in difficult circumstances – and to close relationships.
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The first step in deciding to become more cheerful is to recognise how much time each day you spend focusing on your problems and frustrations. Over time this pattern of being consumed with failed expectations creates a seriousness that leads to emotional exhaustion. Determine to approach each day by giving up your unreasonable expectations and instead be surprised by joy when little things go well, or people are friendly. Rather than fight against life, accept the disappointments as natural and look for the things you are grateful for. You’ll soon feel much lighter and cheerful. A cheerful character gives us an emotional toughness that protects us against crises.
In addition to emotional strength, being funny and cheerful can cultivate friendships. Cheerful people have a light-hearted interpersonal style that connects with others more easily. And, according to studies at Westfield State College and McMaster University, science also suggests that a sense of humour is sexy: people are more likely to consider a person more desirable, intelligent and trustworthy if they have a sense of humour.
6. All Work and No Play…
Taking cheerfulness one step further involves becoming playful.
Psychologists have known for a long time that spontaneous, imaginative play is vital for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us more balanced, smarter and decreases stress. And, according to recent research, the positive benefits of play are important for adults too.
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Marc Bekoff, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Colorado at Boulder suggests that without play, adults may end up getting burned out from the “hustle-bustle busyness that we all get involved in.” Play opens up new channels of creativity and increases the level of satisfaction we experience at work.
Three strategies for finding time for play include: first, get involved in some kind of unstructured active movement that’s not associated with time pressure; second, get your hands dirty and create something; nurture a plant, write a story, play music, or personalise your surroundings; third, get involved with other people regularly throughout the day; share a coffee, find a reason to laugh, celebrate someone’s success – as often as possible. It’s the little things that make a big difference to cultivating your emotional energies.
7. Fit Body, Fit Mind.
As everybody knows, if you work out, your muscles get strong and toned. What most people don’t realise, however, is that your mind also stays in better condition when you exercise. The wellbeing of the body and the wellbeing of the mind and are inseparably linked.
Physical activity and exercise lead to positive feelings from three points of view:
First, it provides you with a feeling of success and being in control. According to a recent edition of the Scientific American Mind these positive feelings have important indirect effects on enriching your mind and attitude by making you more optimistic, agreeable, open to new experiences and goal-directed.
People with these characteristics are more likely to take advantage of opportunities. They cope more effectively with life circumstances, and maintain a sense of well-being and life satisfaction the face in challenges.
The second benefit of physical activity is that it has a positive effect on your brain. In a study that involved putting rodents on a simple treadmill in a cage, Californian neuroscientist Fred Gage observed that they developed twice as many new neurons than those that just hung around, and their scores on memory tests greatly improved.
An additional benefit of physical activity is that not only does it make us smarter, but also works as an antidepressant by stimulating positive emotions. And we know, happy people get more done!
The evidence is impressive. The research described here has established clear links between happiness and our health, wealth and wellbeing. By happiness I mean an emotional, physical and spiritual prosperity – something I call Emotional Capital.
In my work with professional people over the last fifteen years I have found that high levels of emotional capital lead to increased productivity, and as many studies show, happy people are more creative, solve problems better and more quickly, live longer and enjoy high levels of leadership influence.
In other words, when people feel better they perform better. This is not about looking at life through rose-coloured glasses or ignoring the disappointments in life. It is about investing in your greatest asset – your emotional capital. Your happiness is good for business.
If you read this article to the end you are very interested in either looking more attractive or in developing leadership! If it is the latter and you want a substantial discount of 25% on a leadership development programme then call me (PAUL) NOW on 07545 251095.