6 steps to building an amazing team! – Part I

In Coaching, General, Leadership by paul

Does your staff pull together to deliver an amazing service to your clients and run your business so you can work on it rather than in it?

So the first change to make is the language you use, Staff turn up at 9.00 and work to 5.00 and do as little as they can in between, and the boss (you) often ends up doing their work for them.

So the first thing to change is your language, refer to the staff as a team.

Teams play together to win, the results of a team working together disproportionately exceed the sum of the number of individuals on the team!

To find out how you to develop leadership contact me by email, paul@hyperiongrowth.com or phone me for some

on 07545 251095

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Just like the sports team, the individual players have their skills that compliment each other, striker, goaly, defence etc and they have a manager who is rarely on the pitch – where does the manager sit? Yes back from the pitch observing the field of play so he or she can see what is happening and coach the team to improve performance.

And is the Coach better than the players, rarely, Rory McIlroy’s coach would be playing against him for the fame and fortune, so he or she stands on the outside and looks in, giving guidance and support.

Step 1 – Strong Leadership

Teams are a mirror of the management, they will mirror your behaviours over time, so if you want true change, begin at home by a process of self examination!

The first step in Building your team is Strong Leadership, and we have discussed this in great detail over the months so please refer back to previous articles for more detail.

Emotional Capital is what we work through; assess how you see yourself on ten competencies of Leadership Behaviour, and how the rest of your world see you.

We set action plans for developing the areas of most potential. Coaching becomes a key skill. Coaching is a form of communication that assumes that each individual has all they need to succeed and all we as leaders need to do is to deliver a supportive, nurturing relationship to allow that individual to maximise their performance.

To find out how you to develop leadership contact me by email, paul@hyperiongrowth.com or phone me for some

on 07545 251095

Check out earlier articles here :


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Step2 – Big Hairy Audacious Goal

Identify your Big Hairy Audacious Goal – or as we commonly call it, your Vision!

This is the glue that holds your team together, the subconscious abdication that the team make to the leaders, ensuring their safety, career and future, and is partly achieved through having an exciting view of the future that they believe in.

One of the best examples is from the business Icon Henry Ford –

“I will build a motor car for the great multitude. It will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one and enjoy with his family the blessing of hours of pleasure in God’s great open spaces. When I am through, everybody will be able to afford one, and everyone will have one. The horse will have disappeared from our highways, the automobile will be taken for granted, (and we will) give a large number of men employment at good wages.” 

Don’t miss next month when I will take you to the next stages!

To find out how you to develop leadership contact me by email, paul@hyperiongrowth.com or phone me for some

on 07545 251095

Check out earlier articles here :


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