Does your staff pull together to deliver an amazing service to your clients and run your business so you can work on it rather than in it? So the first change to make is the language you use, Staff turn up at 9.00 and work to 5.00 and do as little as they can in between, and the boss (you) …
Presentation skills – Do you want to become more confident at delivering powerful presentations?
Presentations skills that ensure you will get your message across, that create impact ? We will deliver a stimulating, fun and interactive workshop during which we will show you how to overcome their fear of public speaking and deliver presentation skills. We will show you how to captivate your audience within first 5 minutes and get your audience to feel something. …
How do you take control when faced with a challenging situation?
In business we regularly have to face situations which we find challenging whether it be that presentation or public speaking invitation or perhaps and meeting with strong individuals or a challenging employee, so just how do we control our nerves? Remember It’s not how nervous you are but how confident you come across! So what is it we can do …
How well do you know your self? (Self-Knowing)
Self Awareness is one of the key Leadership behaviours and from an emotional capital perspective its evident that those with a high degree of self awareness have an understanding of not only their own emotions but also their strengths, weaknesses and what drives them. Fundamentally those with high self awareness are open and honest with themselves and with others, rarely …
How to build your – Self-confidence
Self confidence is one of the key leadership skills, so what is it? Emotionally intelligent leaders accept and respect themselves and essentially like the people they are. They are confident in their skills, abilities and judgments and possess the emotional resources necessary to maintain motivation and achieve challenging goals. So this month lets consider one activity that cn help us …
Developing Emotional Intelligence how can you achieve this change?
Emotional Intelligence. Emotional intelligence runs right to the core of who we are, and developing our emotional intelligence (EI) is not something that can be achieved in a two day course or workshop. What we can achieve is the development of skills and knowledge, so lets say we are in a busy, high pressurised role, it is common that when …
7 Tips for Building Your Emotional Wealth (part 1)
In this months article I wanted to share with you an article Dr Martyn Newman wrote on improving your emotional wealth, Martyn is currently a Visiting Fellow in leadership and emotional Intelligence with The Business School of Sheffield Hallam University. He works with faculty to develop their core leadership curriculum and corporate offer – from undergraduate to MBA programmes. Martyn …
So you want to be a better leader and get the most out of your team by coaching them?
So in our last article we gave the reasons and overview of coaching as a leadership skill, lets look at how we coach. Of course to be a great coach we must have high levels of Emotional Capital, something we have discussed in many of the previous articles. Coaching is one of the keys to the effective leadership by your …
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