Legal Island Article – Leadership

In Leadership by paul

Why is leadership important to my company? Will it really make you more profit?

In our fist article we gave on overview on leadership IQ and EQ, and how we can
have a high IQ and be intelligent but without Emotional Capital this is valueless from
a leadership perspective check out first article here :

You recall the story of Elliott which explains why this is. Now lets take a closer
look at Emotional Capital, its three Core Elements, and it will become cleare why
improved leadership has such an impact on our bottom line, the elements are:-

1. External Emotional Capital – the value of the feelings and perceptions held by the
customer and the external stakeholder towards your business. The only way to create
real profit is to attract the emotional rather than the rational customer by appealing
to his or her feelings and imagination. Customers want to buy from organisations
they like and who are like them. This creates brand value and goodwill and results
in repeat sales through customer loyalty, lifetime relationships and referrals. In other
words, the brand creates trust and recognition and is a promise and an emotional
contract with each customer.

2. Internal Emotional Capital -the value of the emotional commitments held in
the hearts of the people within your business. It can be is seen in the energy and
enthusiasm that people bring to work to create products and solve problems. Every
relationship that your business has with everyone it touches is an asset and an
investment. To build emotional wealth you must treat your people as investors
because that is what they are — intellectual and emotional investors. Every day they
bring their heads and hearts to work. And if they don’t, you won’t be in business very

3. Intra-personal Emotional Capital – the level of positive, focused energy that you
invest at work and in your personal life. As a leader, you will inspire or demoralise
others first by how effectively you manage your own emotional energy and, second,
by how well you mobilise, focus and renew the collective energy of the people you

So as leaders we should be looking to create emotional wealth to ensure our
competitive advantage. The good news is successful creation of this emotional wealth
is a rewarding and exciting experience!

Who is living the dream in your business? To have a truly great organisation you
must make everyone who comes in to contact with your business feel important, and
this greatness is only attained when great leadership creates emotional capital by
inspiring everyone in your organisation to live the dream and bring their own creative
contribution to the vision of the business.

In next months article we will share with you the 10 competencies of emotional

The opinions and translation of information are my own while the information
contained with in this article is collated by Dr Martin Newman of Roche Martin, it is
through Roche Martin ECR 360 tool that we deliver Leadership training.

Contact details Paul Fieldhouse M: 07545251095 E: