
Director appointed for DBN, B 2 B Networking group.

In General, Leadership by paul

Our director, Paul Fieldhouse has been appointed as director of Donegal Business Network, a B 2 B networking group Paul said;

“I am delighted to have been appointed as Director of Donegal Business Network. My tenure begins on 1st October 2014 for 6 months and I am looking forward to the challenges this exciting leadership opportunity presents.

Having been a member of a number of Networking organisations it is without doubt that this group is one of the most vibrant that I have experienced. It is non-profit making and is run by the members for the members.

The key goals are to help each other grow our businesses through finding opportunities for each other together with an ongoing programme of education to support this growth.

It will be a huge challenge to build on the amazing work the previous leaderships teams, have delivered in the short time the networking group has been running, from inception with member Pascal Curran on who’s foundations Helena O’brien has continued to drive this growth.”

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